I'm back for a bit...

You Know What To Do

for the last week or so i thought that my diary was appearing in holiday colors. it turns out that what i thought was a nice shade of green was a depressing shade of grey. my sincerest apologies... not much fun to look at.

the boy is out tonight with joe. the funny thing is that i'm at the boy's house... he felt a bit guilt leaving me here, i think. i got a bug up my butt and cleaned his entire flat today for some reason i've yet to understand. [perhaps trying to pay back the plane tickets???] so he felt like he was leaving the wife at home...

truth of the matter is that i'm getting buzzed and having fun playing video games. oh, and downloading music on to his pc that he will never forgive. hey ya! by outkast is damn fine, damn fine. i make no apologies for that.

now i'm off to shake it like a polaroid picture.

20:58 ::
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