I'm back for a bit...

My First Review, Oh Boy!

got my first review! very exciting.

my reviewer mentioned that i talk about my boyfriend quite a bit... that's very insightful. so, there i have something to work on. am going to try to talk about things that have very little to do with him for a bit.

will instead focus on something different, like drinking. still haven't reached my goal of getting drunk. or any kind of intoxicated for that matter. i would say that it was upsetting but i have yet to really give it a good strong go.

seem to be updating like nobody's business, though. went and did my 100th entry and i didn't even notice. don't think that i was really planning on having a big '100th entry' hootenany. it just seems a bit sad to let it go by me without even mentioning it... kind of like my mother's birthday which i failed to fuss over.

{side note: dont-stop just noticed that my review appears to only be based on 85 points instead of 100. sharp eyes, lady. thank you for doing the math.}

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