I'm back for a bit...

Cranky, Grouchy, Grumpy

c r a n k y . . .

that's me. oh, yes. i don't recall a time in recent history when i have been this cranky.

i'm trying to answer questions that the representatives here are giving me. they are pretty complex and i don't know the answers. most of the time i don't even know where to get the bloody answers.

i'm not upper management. i'm not 'okay' with not knowing my job inside and out. i hate trying to make educated guesses.

this is a bunch of bologna!

to counteract my crankiness i actually spent the last half hour hiding behind a file cabinet under a desk. i'm not exaggerating. i actually did that.

i also made a formal pitch to the boy for a trip to my hometown in january. he wants to drive there after work on friday and leave on a sunday. the trip takes 6 1/2 hours.

my best friend is going to be in town. haven't seen him in two years & i'm finally going to meet his man who he has been living with the whole time.

i finally wrote the boy, 'fuck it. i'd like you to go with me, but i think that i'd better do this by myself.'

i'm probably just feeling sorry for myself... but when he asks me to do something for him i don't even pause to think about it. i just do it. that's probably because i'm nice.

it rocks being nice, doesn't it?

14:57 ::
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