I'm back for a bit...

Start Having Fun Now!

i don't know what your idea of a good time is... i don't play your reindeer games. i just made up this little spot as one big bookmark for me. rock out.

poll . . . sat and thought a bit about a catchy title for this bit... the word poll is darn phallic after all. but i like to keep my bits to the point. please take my poll and tell me how you ended up in thisendup land.

pictures . . . might i add that this is completely against my better judgement? here is a small collection of image files that i shudder to think of.

diaryland trading cards . . . i'm collecting trading cards so leave a note in my guest book if you have one of your own.

warm fuzzies: the concept . . . here's how i keep on top of my depression at time. i try to keep track of things that keep me from wretching at the thought of one more day of listening to myself talk

warm fuzzies: the survey! . . . this one is mine and i get an e-mail when you fill it out. then my heart begins to beat wildly... indeed.

links i like . . . i keep these heaped and ready. sometimes i want to be on the web but i don't want to update. this keeps me from being that updating fiend that i fear to become... although not so well.

banners . . . here is another trick for keeping the idle monsters at bay...

buddies . . . i'm lucky enough to have a few buddies, so i made a few buttons. i'm not really sure why and there are more that need making but i seem to update instead of making them...

characters . . . i have friends that aren't all virtual. here i've listed a few and what part they play in this sordid little tale of woe.

baby, indeed you have large buttocks . . . this was sent to me by j. i took the trouble to type it up with html breaks and everything. you could read it or copy it for your friends. just think how cool you will be in their eyes... or not

duckie does diaryland . . . how do we love thee? let me count the ways... i'm still waiting to hear more reasons why the duck-ster is the man for us. like i said, i'm waiting.

surveys & quizzes . . . i'm collecting some of my favorite quizzes and surveys here. can i collect yours, too?

17:01 ::
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