I'm back for a bit...

Men & Women Have Behavioral Differences Find Scientists

i'm a nervous twit. an imaginative nervous twit, at that. i have spent all day, all night worrying. picturing my boy whispering sweet nothings into the willing ear of some girl.

i won't fool myself with thinking that he ignores all skirts but mine. however, i just had a long conversation with him on the phone about nothing. it was heaven. he mentioned that he was looking forward to my being home. he is worried about the number of hours i've been putting in.

all silly reassurance that the worries i had were in my head. he is going to the concert tomorrow where the punk rock girl will be... that's still a go. i don't feel as bothered by this since i finally got a conversation in with him where he didn't sound cranky.

i can't believe how much worry and frustration i can waste on such silly things. being a woman i know that we ponder and review to absurd lengths. i also know that quite a few of us think that men do the same. in theory we know that they think of more basic concerns and aren't dying to ask 'what are you thinking?' we realize that a guy does not get off the phone with his girlfriend and then run over the details with his friends. i think most of us would be taken aback if we found our guy doing this.

believing and knowing are two totally different things. we may understand that men are from mars, or what have you. we still expect that when we say "you don't need to get me anything big for my birthday." what really is meant is "i'm hoping for something big for my birthday." not just something big, but something that shows that they listen to us and appreciate the intricate details that make us unique.

which leads me to think that most women are completely nuts. but completely.

while also not being much easier to date. usually when i'm dating a girl i find that i turn into 'the guy'. i underemphasize things that are important. i don't understand when they tell me to do one thing and expect another.

i guess that's what i like so much about dating in general... those brief shining moments when you both get it right. those moments make it worth it.

they do, right?

anyway. i'm insane. legally loony. but at peace with dating an idiot who will kiss the hell out of me when i see him. who will also buy me eggs on sunday morning and watch cartoons with me sunday night. who will, in his own words 'snuggle the hell' out of me. sigh

20:24 ::
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