I'm back for a bit...

Department of Finance Points Finger and Laughs

the merkel trouble continues... payroll did not add on the vacation pay i requested for a couple of days off last week. so i'm left about 20mK off. so, i should be paying for a parking ticket and car insurance but rent and utilities are getting paid instead. i'll also be feasting on ramen for a bit. this is not the end of the world but as i will have to wait two more weeks to pay other mounting bills, my patience is really wearing thin.

also, just to taunt myself i was looking into the lennon tribute show that happens annually in minneapolis. i was teasing myself that i could find a way to squeeze a few mK out of selling cds or plasma donation. then i look and saw that playing on sunday in the very same venue is rufus wainwright.

while i've been travelling about the last few months i have always packed my three rufus cds and every single beatles cd i own. that's quite a few but a sound of their songs made me feel at home and got me through some seriously off color times. it just makes me entirely too blue to think that he's passing my way and i will miss it.

i'm actually doing something about this. i've contacted payroll and requested they hustle out a check for me. i'm also trying to think of some way to have a special night without spending loads of money. so instead of contemplating a bottle of tylenol pm and feeling sorry for myself i'm going to try something new.

i'm thinking an evening of reading up on my pal harry potter, playing a few hours of castlevania: symphony of the night, eating a frozen cheese pizza and spontaneously running outside every once in a bit to freeze my keister off just for the hell of it.

meanwhile, the boy and joe are probably going to hang out tonight. i wish that joe and i could move past the 'we dated once' thing. just hang out instead... but if we hung out i couldn't have my one-girl slumber party, now could i?

i'm not fooling myself very well. i just want to have a few dollars in my pocket instead of scrambling for vending machine change.

11:19 ::
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