I'm back for a bit...

Merkels Announced As New Currency

money is such an important thing. not knowing anything about it has really brought me a bit of misery. i hate to think of the opportunities i have missed because i can't get it together to make bills on time.

so, here is my stress in details. it is for the most part regarding money and therefore gross to discuss. i just need to have this entry here. what i'm hoping for is that some day in the near future i will look back on this entry and breathe a sigh of relief. that things will get paid for and done with. that i can grab a soda before lunch without questioning it too much.

just for fun, i have created a unit called the merkel. the merkel is going to be used as a yard stick to show my debt ratio or what have you. so instead of knowing how many dollars or pounds i'm in the red you will see merkels. does it add an element of fun to my bookkeeping? doubtful, but it does keep me from being too specific about the dreadful business and that's positive. also, the symbol for the merkel is to be mK.

my salary: 5,200.00 mK
bi-weekly paycheck: 150 mK
money in the bank: -22.2 mK
money possibly owed to company: 350 mK
car insurance: 32 mK
chaplin's vet bill paid: 150 mK
chaplin's vet bill owed: 100 mK
tags for car: 25 mK
money owed eli: 16 mK
rent: 75 mK
utilities: 20 mK
parking ticket: 17 mK

i have to say that worrying about merkels is much more fun than worrying about money. i consider both pretend anyway and just hold my breath until things even out a bit.

such a dunderhead about finance. merkels or not, this is going to stink.

09:55 ::
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