I'm back for a bit...

My List of Woes!!!

bursting into tears every other minute is quite fun. it's even better if you do it at work.

that's what i've been up to this lovely thursday afternoon. lest you think that it's completely unwarranted let me just catch you up on my so-called life. i really hate to do this but it keeps me busy.

  1. a garnishment starts being subtracted from my paycheck. an amount equal to 25% of my net pay.
  2. the boy has a house guest this week. this has greatly reduced my contact with him.
  3. bub is my boy's house guest. he thinks i'm crazy. he's probably right.
  4. after miscalculating trip expenses by a long shot i now owe 351.20 mK. that's 125% more than i earn in a month.
  5. i had to put my cat to sleep recently. he was family to me.
  6. i got bills people: car insurance, parking ticket in collections, vet bills...
  7. new garnishment added to my paycheck for student loans for another 25% of my paycheck.
  8. due to my poor bookkeeping at work, i may also be put on written warning which could easily lead to termination. this is my 2nd run in with HR this year.
  9. i'm worried that r may be turning into an alcoholic. or at least not having too great a time being out of work.
  10. it's peak season at work and due to everything else i can't seem to be more productive than a banana slug.

so, this brings about random crying jags. my eyes are red and puffy most of the time. also, since the boy is otherwise engaged with bub the houseguest... well, i have no physical recreation. to be blunt, i handle stress much better when nookie is readily available.

do i feel better after whining? not really. however, while i was writing this a co-worker stopped by my desk. she sympathized with me and it meant quite a bit. she didn't make me feel like an idiot for getting myself in this situation. no, she made me feel human.

16:53 ::
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